Do you have Czech (Bohemian or Moravian) origins? Are you
interested in family history? Do you want to know more about your ancestors,
who they were, where did they live? Professional genealogical research
directly in the Czech Republic is one of the ways how to learn more
about your family history, about your ancestors and places they came
Blanka Lednická - Naše kořeny offers you 25 years of experience in family history research focused on the Bohemian and Moravian lands. We offer a wide range of services connected with the family history - from vital records research to photos and maps of the villages of your ancestors.
We are here for you to help you with locating your ancestors and finding details about them. And not only about them, but also about the places where they used to live and about the way they used to live.
If you want to know more about the types of research we are able to provide you, please visit Research section. You can find details about our prices in Fees section. About us section contains information about the company and then there are References from our customers.